
Since there are a lot of computations and use of R for lectures notes on basics of binary logistic regression, I’ve put the R script into an Rmarkdown version.

Note that HSB data (N=600) where the variables are

Variable name Definition
id ID number
sex Gender: 1=male, 2=female
ses Socio-Economic Status
sctyp School Type: 1=public, 2=private
hsp High School Program
locus Locus of Control
concpt Self Concept
mot Motivation
car Career Choice
rdg Reading T-Score
wrtg Writing T-Score
math Math T-Score
sci Science T-Score
civ Civics T-Score
program 1 for academic, 0 for other
achieve Sum of 5 achievement test scores (which is transformed into mean)
group A grouping according to achieve (not used below)

Other variables are created as needed.

Set up

This set of libraries are needed for all code to run properly

library(data.table)         # may not need this
library(dplyr)              # for "cut" function
library(MASS)               # needed for negatiave binomial glm
library(ResourceSelection)  # hosmer-lemshow statistic
library(pROC)               # ROC curve/data
library(DescTools)          # concordance index
library(car)                # influence diagnostics  

Set working director, read in data (a csv file), and quick check of data

setwd("C:\\Users\\cja\\Dropbox\\edps 589\\5 logistic regression")

hsb <- read.csv(file="hsb_data.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",")
##  [1] "id"       "sex"      "race"     "ses"      "sctyp"    "hsp"     
##  [7] "locus"    "concpt"   "mot"      "car"      "rdg"      "wrtg"    
## [13] "math"     "sci"      "civ"      "achieve"  "sci_math" "type"    
## [19] "xmean"    "xsum"     "program"  "group"
##   id sex race ses sctyp hsp locus concpt  mot car  rdg wrtg math  sci  civ
## 1  1   2    1   1     1   3  0.29   0.88 0.67  10 33.6 43.7 40.2 39.0 40.6
## 2  4   2    1   2     1   3  0.06   0.03 0.00  15 38.9 41.1 32.7 41.7 40.6
## 3 23   2    1   1     1   3 -0.22   0.32 0.33   1 35.2 38.5 39.9 34.7 40.6
## 4 26   2    1   2     1   2  1.12  -0.74 0.67  15 31.0 41.1 36.0 36.9 45.6
## 5 29   2    1   2     1   2 -0.90   0.03 0.67   4 36.3 44.3 36.1 33.6 40.6
## 6 31   1    1   2     1   2 -0.21  -1.38 0.00   9 34.2 46.3 44.5 39.0 35.6
##   achieve sci_math type xmean  xsum program group
## 1   197.1     -1.2 case 39.42 197.1       0     1
## 2   195.0      9.0 case 39.00 195.0       0     1
## 3   188.9     -5.2 case 37.78 188.9       0     1
## 4   190.6      0.9 case 38.12 190.6       1     1
## 5   190.9     -2.5 case 38.18 190.9       1     1
## 6   199.6     -5.5 case 39.92 199.6       1     1

Create the mean of the 5 achievement test scores

hsb$achieve <- hsb$achieve/5

Descriptive Statistics

## [1] 51.98893
## [1] 8.089699
length(hsb$achieve)    # sample size
## [1] 600
table(hsb$program)     # 1 is academic
##   0   1 
## 292 308

Always good to look at the data

lw1 <- loess(program ~ achieve,data=hsb)        # fit loess to data
     main="Whether in Academic Program vs Mean Achievement",
     xlab="Mean of 5 Achievement Tests",
     ylab="Probabilty in Academic Program",
j <- order(hsb$achieve)                                 
text(64,.7,"Fitted Loess Curve",col="cyan")

The object j has indices for student ordered such that 1 is highest achievement

##  [1] 25 47 12 14 23 15 44 22 35 40
##  [1] 32.94 33.74 34.98 35.30 35.36 35.42 35.48 35.50 35.96 35.96

Logit Model

Logit Model that we’ll be using throughout. Below fits the model to the data and adds fitted regression curve to the graph

summary( logit.mod <- glm(program ~ achieve, data=hsb, family=binomial(link="logit")) )
## Call:
## glm(formula = program ~ achieve, family = binomial(link = "logit"), 
##     data = hsb)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
## -2.1417  -0.9443   0.4849   0.9583   2.1459  
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept) -7.05477    0.69475  -10.15   <2e-16 ***
## achieve      0.13691    0.01327   10.32   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 831.35  on 599  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 692.27  on 598  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 696.27
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 3
hsb$ <- logit.mod$fitted.values

I want to add the logit model fitted values to graph, but with Rmarkdown I’ll have to redraw and add additional content

lw1 <- loess(program ~ achieve,data=hsb)        # fit loess to data
     main="Whether in Academic Program vs Mean Achievement",
     xlab="Mean of 5 Achievement Tests",
     ylab="Probabilty in Academic Program",
j <- order(hsb$xmean)     
text(64,.7,"Fitted Loess Curve",col="cyan")

Group Data

This code requires the dplyr package for the cut function. This yield grouping that’s a bit better than what I put in the lecture notes, which is around page 19.

Create cut points (“levels”), give them labels (“label2”), do the cutting (hsb$grp.achieve)

levels <- c(-Inf, 40, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 60, 65, Inf)
labels <- c("<40","40-45","45-47","47-49","47-51","51-53","53-55","55-57","57-60","60-65",">65")
hsb$grp.achieve = cut(hsb$achieve, levels, labels = labels)

Take a look at hsb$grp.achieve, which is variable in HSB. Quick peek a number pre-group

##   <40 40-45 45-47 47-49 47-51 51-53 53-55 55-57 57-60 60-65   >65 
##    47    86    45    43    49    51    57    45    67    79    31

Using this new variable and compute various group level statistics and put them all into a data frame called “summary.p1”..

# - mean per group
(grp.mean <- aggregate(hsb$achieve,by=list(hsb$grp.achieve),FUN=mean))
##    Group.1        x
## 1      <40 37.79447
## 2    40-45 42.54953
## 3    45-47 46.04622
## 4    47-49 47.88837
## 5    47-51 50.18122
## 6    51-53 52.15529
## 7    53-55 53.99193
## 8    55-57 56.03022
## 9    57-60 58.43433
## 10   60-65 62.41595
## 11     >65 66.54258
# - number of cases per group
(grp.n <- table(hsb$grp.achieve))
##   <40 40-45 45-47 47-49 47-51 51-53 53-55 55-57 57-60 60-65   >65 
##    47    86    45    43    49    51    57    45    67    79    31
# - number of non and academic students per group
(data.table <- table(hsb$grp.achieve,hsb$program))
##          0  1
##   <40   39  8
##   40-45 68 18
##   45-47 30 15
##   47-49 27 16
##   47-51 29 20
##   51-53 29 22
##   53-55 14 43
##   55-57 16 29
##   57-60 21 46
##   60-65 16 63
##   >65    3 28
# - observed proportion
(obs.p <- data.table[,2]/(data.table[,1]+data.table[,2]))
##       <40     40-45     45-47     47-49     47-51     51-53     53-55     55-57 
## 0.1702128 0.2093023 0.3333333 0.3720930 0.4081633 0.4313725 0.7543860 0.6444444 
##     57-60     60-65       >65 
## 0.6865672 0.7974684 0.9032258
# - pred prob sum
prob.sum <- aggregate(hsb$,by=list(hsb$grp.achieve),FUN=sum)
(prob.sum <- prob.sum[,2]/grp.n)
##       <40     40-45     45-47     47-49     47-51     51-53     53-55     55-57 
## 0.1348042 0.2282907 0.3210272 0.3781267 0.4541550 0.5214715 0.5834798 0.6491954 
##     57-60     60-65       >65 
## 0.7196928 0.8143854 0.8854477
# - using equation on grouped data
(p.eq <- exp(-7.05477 + 0.13691*grp.mean[,2])/(1+exp(-7.05477 + 0.13691*grp.mean[,2])))
##  [1] 0.1323510 0.2263017 0.3206946 0.3779231 0.4540157 0.5214397 0.5835260
##  [8] 0.6493829 0.7202040 0.8161680 0.8865097
# - pred number
(pred.n <- p.eq*grp.n) 
##       <40     40-45     45-47     47-49     47-51     51-53     53-55     55-57 
##  6.220499 19.461943 14.431255 16.250693 22.246768 26.593423 33.260984 29.222230 
##     57-60     60-65       >65 
## 48.253670 64.477269 27.481801
pred.n <- matrix(pred.n,nrow=11,ncol=1)

# - put into table like in lecture notes
summary.p19<- cbind(grp.n,grp.mean[,2],data.table[,2],obs.p,prob.sum,p.eq,pred.n)
names(summary.p19) <- c("range       # cases ","mean","# academic","obs p","sum pi","equation pi","pred freq")

##       range       # cases      mean # academic     obs p    sum pi equation pi
## <40                     47 37.79447          8 0.1702128 0.1348042   0.1323510
## 40-45                   86 42.54953         18 0.2093023 0.2282907   0.2263017
## 45-47                   45 46.04622         15 0.3333333 0.3210272   0.3206946
## 47-49                   43 47.88837         16 0.3720930 0.3781267   0.3779231
## 47-51                   49 50.18122         20 0.4081633 0.4541550   0.4540157
## 51-53                   51 52.15529         22 0.4313725 0.5214715   0.5214397
## 53-55                   57 53.99193         43 0.7543860 0.5834798   0.5835260
## 55-57                   45 56.03022         29 0.6444444 0.6491954   0.6493829
## 57-60                   67 58.43433         46 0.6865672 0.7196928   0.7202040
## 60-65                   79 62.41595         63 0.7974684 0.8143854   0.8161680
## >65                     31 66.54258         28 0.9032258 0.8854477   0.8865097
##       pred freq
## <40    6.220499
## 40-45 19.461943
## 45-47 14.431255
## 47-49 16.250693
## 47-51 22.246768
## 51-53 26.593423
## 53-55 33.260984
## 55-57 29.222230
## 57-60 48.253670
## 60-65 64.477269
## >65   27.481801


For this we’ll use model fit to individual level data

(summary(logit.mod <- glm(program ~ achieve, data=hsb, family=binomial)))
## Call:
## glm(formula = program ~ achieve, family = binomial, data = hsb)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
## -2.1417  -0.9443   0.4849   0.9583   2.1459  
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept) -7.05477    0.69475  -10.15   <2e-16 ***
## achieve      0.13691    0.01327   10.32   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 831.35  on 599  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 692.27  on 598  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 696.27
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 3

Linear Interpolation

Find the slope for mean achievement = 65

(p <- (subset(hsb,hsb$achieve==65)$
## [1] 0.8635031
exp(-7.0548 +.1369*(65))/(1 + exp(-7.0548 +.1369*(65)))
## [1] 0.8633857
# slope equals
(slope <- logit.mod$coefficients[2] * p * (1-p))
##    achieve 
## 0.01613753

Graph what we’re looking at

nhsb <- hsb[order(hsb$achieve),]
     main="Linear Interpretation at Achievement = 65", 
     xlab="Mean of 5 Achievement Tests",
     ylab="Probility in Academic given mean Achievement",
# to get line tangent at (65,p)
xlin <- c(55,65,70)
ylin <- c(-slope*10+p, p, slope*5+p)

text(40,.9,"p = .8635")
text(63,0.05,"x = 65")
text(50,0.7,"slope = 0.0161")

Confidence intervals: coefficients & odds ratios

# 95% for beta
(lower <- logit.mod$coefficients[2] - 1.96*0.01327)
##   achieve 
## 0.1109056
(upper <- logit.mod$coefficients[2] + 1.96*0.01327)
##  achieve 
## 0.162924
# 95% Confidence interval for exp(beta) = odds ratio
##  achieve 
## 1.117289
##  achieve 
## 1.176947

Alternative, for the coefficients and odds ratios is below. These should be nearly the same.

(ci.coefficients <- confint(logit.mod, level=.95))
## Waiting for profiling to be done...
##                  2.5 %     97.5 %
## (Intercept) -8.4574031 -5.7302087
## achieve      0.1116148  0.1637129
(ci.odds <- exp(ci.coefficients))
##                    2.5 %      97.5 %
## (Intercept) 0.0002123227 0.003246399
## achieve     1.1180821023 1.177876124

Test whether coefficients = 0

The z’s in the table of coeficients are essentially sqrt of Wald test, but we can compute them here (note .01327 is ASE).

(wald <- (logit.mod$coefficients[2]/.01327)^2)
##  achieve 
## 106.4532
1- pchisq(wald,1)
## achieve 
##       0

The likelihood ratio tests is

(lr <- logit.mod$null.deviance-logit.mod$deviance)
## [1] 139.0819
## [1] 0

Or more easily

anova(logit.mod, test="LRT")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model: binomial, link: logit
## Response: program
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##         Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev  Pr(>Chi)    
## NULL                      599     831.35              
## achieve  1   139.08       598     692.27 < 2.2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

“Tests” of model goodness-of-fit to data

We’ll do this 2 ways:

Fit then Group

Fit models to individual level data and then group – we already did the grouping. We need some additional variables/statistics.

pred.acd <- summary.p19[,7]
pred.not <- summary.p19[,1] - pred.acd
number.attend <- summary.p19[,3]
number.not <- summary.p19[,1] - number.attend

Given these values, the “test” statistics are

Xsq <-(number.attend - pred.acd)**2 / pred.acd
      + (number.not - pred.not)**2 / pred.not
##  [1] 0.077652331 0.032121108 0.010581743 0.002349487 0.188686215 0.864502183
##  [7] 3.995466119 0.003130108 0.270934578 0.150269415 0.076326107
(Xsq <- sum(Xsq))
## [1] 4.667689
Gsq <- number.attend* log(number.attend/pred.acd)
      + number.not * log(number.not/pred.not)
##  [1] -1.7400973  1.4778868 -0.5634208  0.2518645  2.3385756  5.0008529
##  [7] -7.3928766  0.2237877  2.3840133  1.5499778 -0.4780110
(Gsq <- 2*sum(Gsq))
## [1] 4.643049

These do not have sampling distributions that are approximately chi-square, but do give a sense of how well the model is doing, i.e.,

(df <- length(hsb$grp.achieve) - 2)
## [1] 598
## [1] 0.007805501
## [1] 0.007764296

Group then Fit <- cbind(number.attend,number.not,summary.p19[,2]) <-
($ncases <-$number.attend +$number.not)
##  [1] 47 86 45 43 49 51 57 45 67 79 31$p <-$number.attend/$ncases

(logit.mod2 <- glm(p ~ V3, weight=ncases,, family=binomial))
## Call:  glm(formula = p ~ V3, family = binomial, data =, weights = ncases)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept)           V3  
##     -6.9254       0.1344  
## Degrees of Freedom: 10 Total (i.e. Null);  9 Residual
## Null Deviance:       145.4 
## Residual Deviance: 10.71     AIC: 60.17
## [1] 0.2959252
# Or 
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model: binomial, link: logit
## Response: p
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##      Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev  Pr(>Chi)    
## NULL                    10    145.393              
## V3    1   134.68         9     10.713 < 2.2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Unlike the first method, the sampling distribution of tests statistics is approximately chi-square. The fit method uses all information in data when fitting the model.

Note that the fitted probabilities are very similar to fitted ones:

# - observed proportions
($pobs <-$number.attend/$ncases)
##  [1] 0.1702128 0.2093023 0.3333333 0.3720930 0.4081633 0.4313725 0.7543860
##  [8] 0.6444444 0.6865672 0.7974684 0.9032258
# - fitted probabilities
($phat <- logit.mod2$fitted)
##         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8 
## 0.1365091 0.2305232 0.3240343 0.3804475 0.4552657 0.5214771 0.5824559 0.6472276 
##         9        10        11 
## 0.7170882 0.8123450 0.8828884
# - fitted counts
($predFreq <-$phat*$ncases)
##  [1]  6.41593 19.82500 14.58154 16.35924 22.30802 26.59533 33.19999 29.12524
##  [9] 48.04491 64.17526 27.36954

Or a graph of these

plot($V3,$pobs, type='p',pch=1, col="blue", lwd=2,
     ylab="Proporitions and Predications",
     main="Logit Model fit to Grouped Data")

lines($V3,$phat, col="red")
smooth <- loess($$V3)
lines($V3,smooth$fit, col="purple")

legend("topleft",legend=c("Observed proportions","Fitted Probabilities","Loess"),
       col=c("blue","red","purple"), lty=1,lwd=2, cex=1)

Confidence Bands for Fitted Probabilities

# Get min and max of explanatory variable
(min.ach <- min(hsb$achieve))
## [1] 32.94
(max.ach <- max(hsb$achieve))
## [1] 70
achieve.range <- seq(from=32, to=70, by=.01)

# Get the fitted probabilities and se for achieve values in range defined above
logit.modt <- predict(logit.mod,
              whatever <- data.frame(achieve=achieve.range),

# See was we get
## [1] "fit"            ""         "residual.scale"
# Compute the CI bands
upper <- logit.modt$fit + 1.96*logit.modt$
lower <- logit.modt$fit - 1.96*logit.modt$

# Fitted probabilities
lw1 <- loess(program ~ achieve,data=hsb)                   # fit loess to data
plot(hsb$achieve, logit.mod$fitted.values,
    main="Data (Loess) & Logit Fitted w/ 95% Bands",
    xlab="Mean of sum of 5 Achievement Tests",
      ylab="Probabilty in Academic Program",

# Add confidence band as shaded              
polygon(c(achieve.range,rev(achieve.range)) ,
# Add loess
j <- order(hsb$xmean)                                   
legend("topleft",legend=c("Loess","Logit","95% CI"), col=c("green","blue","azure"), lty=1, cex=1)


This is form the ResourceSelection package,

hoslem.test(logit.mod$y, fitted(logit.mod), g=10)
##  Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness of fit (GOF) test
## data:  logit.mod$y, fitted(logit.mod)
## X-squared = 3.9814, df = 8, p-value = 0.8588

If this is significant I worry; however, it is not significant, I want more evidence that it’s a good model for the data.

Concordance Index & ROC Curves

Computing sensitivity & specificity,

# -- decision tables
pred.decision <- ifelse(hsb$ >=.5,1,0)
##   0   1 
## 292 308
## pred.decision
##   0   1 
## 279 321
addmargins(cross <- table(pred.decision,hsb$program))
## pred.decision   0   1 Sum
##           0   198  81 279
##           1    94 227 321
##           Sum 292 308 600
## pred.decision         0         1       Sum
##           0   0.3300000 0.1350000 0.4650000
##           1   0.1566667 0.3783333 0.5350000
##           Sum 0.4866667 0.5133333 1.0000000
# Sensitivity
(sensitivity <- 227/308)
## [1] 0.737013
# - Specificity
(specificity <- 198/292)
## [1] 0.6780822
# - proportion correct
## [1] 0.70833
# - or
## [1] 0.7083333
# - or
sensitivity*(308/600) + specificity*(292/600)
## [1] 0.7083333

The concordance index using the DescTools package

## [1] 0.768541

For the ROC curves, we use package pROC, which is also give us concordances (i.e., area under the curve)

roc1 <- roc(hsb$program ~ hsb$achieve, auc=TRUE, ci=TRUE, plot=TRUE)
## Setting levels: control = 0, case = 1
## Setting direction: controls < cases

##  [1] "percent"            "sensitivities"      "specificities"     
##  [4] "thresholds"         "direction"          "cases"             
##  [7] "controls"           "fun.sesp"           "auc"               
## [10] "call"               "original.predictor" "original.response" 
## [13] "predictor"          "response"           "levels"            
## [16] "ci"
# - area usnder curve (i.e. concordance)
## Area under the curve: 0.7685
# - concordance index (area under curve) and confidence interval for it.
## 95% CI: 0.731-0.806 (DeLong)
# - a 2nd ROC plot
     main="ROC Curve for Logit Model fit to HSB data (c=.77)",

Regression Diagnostics


We’ll look at residuals from GLM and then look at the adjusted ones, the latter of which should be N(0,1).

# - what comes from glm

Various way of getting standardized residuals – here they all look about the same.

# Pearson standardized residuals--- seems to be the same 
resid <- rstandard(logit.mod, pearson=TRUE)
rstud <- rstudent(logit.mod, pearson=TRUE)
rdev  <- rstudent(logit.mod, deviance=TRUE)
       main="QQ plot of Pearson Standardized Residuals")
ylin <- c(-2,3)

       main="QQ plot of Studentized Standardized Residuals")

qqnorm(rdev, main="QQ plot of Deviance Standardized Residuals")

##      Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
## -2.151402 -0.945111  0.485526  0.007902  0.959097  2.156461

Influence Diagonistics

This is just a sub-set of what we could do but give a good idea of if there are some problem observations

inf <- influence.measures(logit.mod)
## [1] "infmat" "is.inf" "call"
## Potentially influential observations of
##   glm(formula = program ~ achieve, family = binomial, data = hsb) :
## numeric(0)

You can use the above table to pick out potentially influential ones.

# --- requires car package

##       StudRes         Hat        CookD
## 22  2.1552903 0.005032289 0.0228079336
## 24 -0.4872975 0.005043183 0.0003202020
## 33 -0.4904528 0.005042404 0.0003245655
## 44  2.1564608 0.005031682 0.0228676846
influenceIndexPlot(logit.mod, vars=c("Cook","Studentized","hat"), id.n=5)

The influenceIndexPlot is throwing a lot of warnings, but does produce the graphic. (I have surpressed this this document)

There are many statistics that you can examine that are in the following table

# To see what is here:
##        dfb.1_    dfb.achv       dffit     cov.r       cook.d         hat
## 1 -0.03562045  0.03344514 -0.03828352 1.0071931 0.0004639563 0.004821574
## 2 -0.03508014  0.03301247 -0.03750023 1.0073018 0.0004431245 0.004877112
## 3 -0.03328648  0.03150783 -0.03511819 1.0075578 0.0003839417 0.004992800
## 4  0.12412552 -0.11731384  0.13139260 0.9967804 0.0157254398 0.004967385
## 5  0.12376330 -0.11693913  0.13108943 0.9968166 0.0155808331 0.004962355
## 6  0.11216532 -0.10501107  0.12141093 0.9977753 0.0117353651 0.004745108